During my hibernation on my subtropical, mild, corona-free island paradise, I am called upon to help fight the pandemic in Germany. Events are coming thick and fast in the wake of the second wave of infections, especially in Europe. The first vaccines will be approved in December and are to be administered in Germany in newly established vaccination centres and also by mobile vaccination teams under specified conditions to people who want to be vaccinated, provided there are no medical obstacles.

I have decided to help out in vaccination centres in Bavaria from 15 December 2020 and will fly from Santa Maria via Ponta Delgada, Lisbon and Cologne to Munich on 14 December and drive to my accommodation in a hire car. The following day, I also have to take a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test and remain in quarantine until the result is available, as I come from a COVID-19-free island, but it belongs to Portugal, which was recently classified as a risk area. The vaccination centre is an empty building, at least it can be heated, and there is electricity and internet. Discussions follow regarding the organisation, many questions, still few answers, most things are still unclear, information is constantly coming in, new instructions from the authorities are constantly arriving. After the first week, things are already looking quite structured and the organisation is taking shape. Initial information about logistics, risks and the vaccination process will reach us on 21 December 2020. Vaccinations will start at the end of December. It will be exciting.
The first delivery of vaccine is meagre.A look in the fridge at our vaccination centre reveals our entire treasure trove: 20 vials of 5 vaccine doses each.We vaccinated 20 residents of a nursing home on 27 December. We may have to make do with the rest until 31 December. I hope the supply of vaccines improves.