“Euskara Euskal Herriko hizkuntza da. Hizkuntza isolatua da, ez baitzaio ahaidetasunik aurkitu, eta morfologiari dagokionez, hizkuntza ergatiboa da.”
My school Latin doesn’t help me either, with which I can somehow explain much from Spanish and Italian, partly also French. Basque is something completely different. No other language is even remotely related to it. The very self-confident people here understand themselves so differently. They are not Spaniards, but Basques, it is similar in the French Basque Country. They can celebrate, they are hospitable and cordial, the Basques. And they know something about good food and drink. They cultivate culture and tradition. This is madness here in Donostia (San Sebastián). I could stay here and be round after four weeks. Important: Never say tapas if you want pintxos! This is Basque Country, not Spain! My room is in the middle of life in the historic old town. Today at noon I had cold and warm pintxos with two glasses of red wine. I don’t think I’ll leave here anymore.
22°C and sunny here. There is still a beach life at the end of October here at the Bay of Biscay. The Atlantic Ocean has a tidal range of 4.5 m here. The tidal wave can already be seen in the mouth of the Urumea, which begins to dam up the river back. The huge boulders of cut granite rocks thrown at the coast form a huge barrier against the ocean. Once again a hurricane with more than 120 km/h is approaching. 9 m waves are expected at the coast.